Completing Lay Servant Reports for Charge Conference

Let's Get Started!

It is time to prepare your Annual Lay Speaker/Lay Servant Report for 2024. This report needs to be entered on your church's Unity webpage.

The Conference IT Department and the president of VAUMC Lay Servants, Richard Speirs, have worked together to update the Lay Servant Report. So it may look a little different than last year.

The District Office has been tasked with uploading the classes you have been taking and are taking from January 2023 through September 21st of this year. This should ease your burden of recalling what classes you took, etc. Also, if you take Lay Servants classes in another district, it will be added to your Unity Webpage.

If you have not prepared this report online before,

here are the steps to complete it:

1 - Your pastor should have given you security to create your report and given you a user name and password. (If you have an account and can't recall it, Debbie Creech can assist you with that. She can also create a login name and password for you, at your request.)

2 - To Enter your report, go to

Click User Name

Enter Password:

Click on the name of your church (IN BLUE)


Click on the date 11-03-24

(NOTE: If there is not a date listed as 11-03-24, contact your pastor.)

Click on CREATE NEW by your name

3- After you complete your report, Click SUBMIT. To the right of your name, click on VIEW/PRINT.

4 - Print a copy of the report, sign it and have your pastor sign it.

5 - Make a PDF of the signed report. Log back in to Unity and go to the same place where you entered your report.

To the right of your name it will now say UPLOAD ATTACHMENT.

Upload the signed form and click SUBMIT.

(If you do not feel comfortable doing this, have your pastor or administrative assistant upload the signed form for you. Also, you may mail the hard copy to the district office- Attention Debbie Creech and she will do it for you.)

Either way you choose to upload the signed Lay Servant report, make sure your pastor has a copy as you will need to be approved at your charge conference.

6 - If you need a worksheet to use as you prepare for your report, click on the link below for Lay Servant or Lay Speaker Reports to download a copy. The worksheet is not accepted charge conference paperwork.

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